Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Feeling Good

Good weather really helps my mood.  We had quite a miserable winter, not super snowy but just so damn cold and grey.  By March (and even into April) I was feeling pretty down.  I was a slug. No activity and just feeling kinda miserable.  Hooray for spring.  Getting outside and getting exercise has done wonders for my mental health. 

Got up early this morning and took a cycling class while Grandma watched the kiddos.  I'm really starting to love my Tuesday morning class.  The instructor is really motivating.  By the end of the class I was drenched in sweat and my legs were threatening to give out.  I'll take that as a good thing.  I spent a few hours at the office until the siren call of this beautiful day lured me home to the kiddos (I really enjoy being my own boss).  I got the kiddos into the stroller and walked over to the park and playground where I let the munchkin loose.  He needs plenty of exercise too.  After maybe 20 mins he slipped on a ladder to the slides and landed a bit hard so he wanted to leave.  We headed to the farmer's market, also in the park, to pick up some lettuce to plant in the garden and the first of the local strawberries. yum.

The kiddos are napping so I did a quick yoga video (DDP Energy), my legs desperately needed to stretch out.   Tonight is the kiddos swimming lessons, I'm in the pool with the bean while the munchkin is in the big kid class- so more activity to come.  Tomorrow I rest!

61 days until the race!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Everything is Awesome.

My long run didn't happen yesterday, too much family stuff got in the way.  Took the kiddos to a town festival, then spent two hours cooking a delicious (and Whole30 compliant) birthday dinner for Grandma.  Took a nice walk after dinner so I was at least a little active.

So I got up and did my long run this morning.  Dropped the kiddos off with Grandma and set out for a run outside in the most beautiful weather.  It was so nice that I didn't really pay enough attention to where I was and when I needed to turn around.  I ran into the next town over which has gorgeous wide streets and lots of beautiful trees.  So when I hit my 4 miles I was still 1.5 miles from home.  oops. So I ended up with a 5.5 mile run (though to be fair most of the last 1.5 miles was walking.) It felt awesome. The sun, the breeze, the trees! By the time I got home I was feeling very Hooray for Everything!  Tonight I have a 30 min swim on the schedule and I would like to squeeze in a quick yoga video (DDP energy) because my legs are feeling pretty tight.  

I learned on this run that I can maintain a faster pace outside than I can on the treadmill.  While I was running I was consistently around a 10:30 mile pace.  That speed feels like torture on the treadmill and I usually stay closer to 12:00.  Interesting.  I think I get caught up in the excitement of being outside, whereas on the treadmill I get stuck staring at the screen.

62 Days until the race!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Continued Progress

Its been about three weeks since I started training and I am happy to say it is going pretty well.  I'm not perfectly consistent with my plan, but with two kids rigid consistency is never going to be something I strive for.  What I do strive for is making sure I get in the right number of workout, even if they are not exactly when I planned to do them.   The trick is not to let one missed workout stop me from not going out again the next day. I am modifying but I keep going.  For example, thursday I had planned on getting up and heading for a morning spinning class, but the munchkin crawled into bed with me and was deep asleep- on my chest, about 15 minute before I needed to leave.  I didn't have the heart to wake him up and bring him to grandma.  He'd be upset and grouchy and it really wasn't worth the potential grumpy start to the day.  So instead when he finally work up about a half hour later the kiddos went to grandma and I went to the basement for a 7 mile cycle and 3 mile run.  It wasn't  what I planned but it was still good.

Food-wise I'm feeling really proud.  I've stuck with the Whole30 for the last 17 days.  I did have a couple not quite on plan bites but nothing that completely derailed me.  I forgot to tell a restaurant to leave pesto off an omelet, so I ate maybe a tablespoon of that, and I didn't ask another restaurant if their bacon had added sugar.  I'm not going to lose sleep over it.  Other than that I have been compliant and feel awesome.  There is definitely a change to my taste buds.  I'm not craving super sweet foods.  I am totally satisfied with a piece of fruit. Apples taste amazing!

It is a lazy sunday morning, the bean is asleep on me and the munchkin is watching Curious George.   It is beautiful out so pretty soon we will need to get outside!  I'm hoping for a 4 mile run today.

63 Days until the race!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Whole30- Day 1

As part of my get healthy goal, I decided that I would do the Whole30 for the month of May.  It's essential paleo without "cheating"or as they would say "sex with your pants on" meaning no paleo-ified desserts, breads, muffins, etc.  It is meant to challenge and break your normal eating habits to encourage a better relationship with food.  I don't think I eat terribly on a regular basis- but I am significantly overweight- especially after having two kids.  Baked goods are my nemesis.  I love sweets.  We do eat mostly organic produce, organic grass-fed meats, local pastured eggs, etc but I do have some not so healthy habits I'd like to break.  I know if I want to complete a triathlon I'm going to have to give my body the best fuel possible. 

May is the perfect time to start a program like this that relies so heavily on fresh produce.  Next week is the start of the local farmer's market.  Delicious tasty and local veggies will start appearing at the co-op.  Hooray for Spring.  Oh yeah... Happy Beltane!

Todays food:
Breakfast: Scrambled "green" eggs- eggs blended with spinach and kale, topped with red peppers and avocado
Snack: A handful of hazelnuts, almonds, and cashews.  Peach and some pineapple chunks. Black Coffee
Lunch: A large salad with avocado, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Snack: Plum
Dinner: A grassfed local burger over lettuce with avocado and onions sauteed in ghee. Coconut Water.

I know that was a lot of avocado- we had a couple that were threatening to go bad so I ate them. 

Training:  Today I ran 3 miles on the treadmill.  Then took a mile walk while wearing the bean and pushing the munchkin.  I also took an Aqua Zumba class- which is just a blast.  Good, silly, fun.  I'm pretty beat after that much activity.  Tomorrow was supposed to be my rest day, but I'm switching things around because I am just too busy Saturday to do what I had planned.  Tomorrow I am getting up at o'dark thirty for a cycling class again- this time armed with padded bike shorts and cycling shoes!